Digitalization COMPASS

Take the right direction of digital transformation with the Digitalization COMPASS.

Do you know what is the level of digitalization of your company and are you ready for digital transformation?

Digitalization COMPASS is a service addressed to companies that would like to evaluate their current level of digitalization of processes, data flow and organization and would also like to identify development areas using digital transformation. A comprehensive analysis, carried out by DTP specialists in close collaboration with your company, shows your company’s readiness for the start or for the next stages of digital transformation.

Are you aware of the need for digital transformation of your business? Do you know what digital transformation is?

Changes and challenges on the market require companies to constantly look for solutions to optimise their current activities. The answer is digital transformation. It involves the implementation of a number of actions and processes in the company, based on digital technologies, which leads to improvement of its functioning and adapting it to the market dynamics. It is also a change of thinking, action or technology. Often, the digital transformation process helps to use existing resources and solutions more effectively. It does not always require huge investments or the replacement of elements of the company’s infrastructure. The key to a successful digital transformation is, above all, awareness of the need for change and awareness of one’s own processes and the level of their correlation.

Do you know at which level your company’s information security is? Do you want to prevent accidental incidents, breakdowns, downtime?

In addition to the assessment of the company’s digitalization status and its preparation for digital transformation, the Digitalization COMPASS includes an analysis of the IT security level, an overview of the machine park and documentation. It also identifies areas for improvement, in terms of e.g. more efficient communication, automation, dealing with unexpected events, better access to data and information. After a joint decision concerning the areas of change, it provides a plan for improving the identified areas and an optimal investment plan for further development of your company.

You can get grants for the digitalization of your company, based on a digitalization plan, the roadmap.

To help companies transform towards Industry 4.0, many national and international aid programmes are being launched. They provide grants for the digitalization of companies. The basis for applying for funding is to have a “roadmap”, a plan for the implementation of changes in the company in the area of digitalization, automation and robotics. With Digitalization COMPASS, you will receive the necessary elements for project documentation. We will prepare for you the roadmap and help you complete the paperwork for funding. Check what you can benefit from digitalization of your company! (You can read more about funding opportunities on our Blog)

Why should you choose us for your digital transformation?
  • PASSION We are passionate about digitalisation and technological innovations that create real business value for our Partners and their Customers.
  • PRACTICE We have been creating digital solutions for production and other areas of business for years, so we can advise on how to turn visions into practical results.
  • COMPETENCES We perform advanced analyses of the actual level of digitalization, including digital awareness and information security assessments. The result is an evaluation of the company’s digitalization potential and a digitalization roadmap.
  • COMPLEXITY We analyse, plan, design and create fully digital enterprises. We help Management Boards to complete their digital competencies and use the full potential of Industry 4.0.
Digitalization together with:
With Digitalization COMPASS you can improve:
Higher level of cyber security for data and information.
More effective management of resources and more efficient analysis of the cost structure.
Improved decision-making and planning processes.
Improved quality of processes, services and credibility for business partners.
Action plan and the ability to deal with emergencies.
Improved communication in the company, better access and unified system of information transfer.
Digitalization COMPASS is offered in three versions:
Basic, Standard and Premium.
Contact us

+48 696 449 400

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The selected DTP R&D projects are co-founded by the European Union. See more


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