6 October 2021

DTP at Lubuskie Economic Congress

Lubuskie Economic Congress 2021 (Kongres Gospodarczy Lubuskie 2021), organized by the Marshal’s Office of Lubuskie Province, starts on the 6th of October. During the 3 days, local entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to participate in numerous meetings and thematic panels concerning the most important challenges and opportunities arising from the current economic situation. This is an excellent opportunity to initiate valuable contacts and exchange knowledge and experience.

We recommend to take part in the panel “Design Thinking”, which will be held on the third day (8th October). It will concern an effective building of start-ups and technology companies. Speakers will include businessmen from the Lubuskie Province, who have created companies from scratch, that made a great impact, not only in the region, but also around the world. Prof. Janusz Szajna, CEO will represent the Digital Technology Poland.

See you there!

Lubuskie Economic Congress 2021 details:

When: 06-08.10.2021
Programme: https://kongres.lubuskie.pl/program/

Participation is free of charge

Register here




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